Friday, November 7, 2014

What do hormones have to do with running? I'm glad you asked!

Four weeks until the Half Marathon.

Despite the grandiose lofty goal of shaving off 15 minute of my first Half Marathon - I spent the first four months of my training totally defeated.  I never was able to get my speed per mile down.  The little I was able to run mile after mile I was "bottomed-out!"  I would get a mile in and be struggling and weak.  I was so discouraged and flabbergasted.  I really believed my mantras and determination would trump how I felt physically. I got a new playlist, changed up my route, listened to inspiring coaching, pushed myself, rested myself, fueled, hydrated and "carbed" up and "proteined" up! But my body did not respond to my aggressive effort!

Finally in the midst of this discouraging training I went for my 6 month checkup with my nurse practitioner I've been seeing at my Holistic Health Doctors office.  This nurse practitioner specialized in Thyroid and Hormonal Issues.  I've been on a Thyroid replenishing program for 6 years and Bio-identical Hormone replacement for 2.  After reviewing my blood work and hearing my complaints she revamped my hormone treatments.  I needed more progesterone and less testosterone.  So I went home and started my new regimen.

All I have to say is - within a week I hit the trail and half way through my first mile I felt completely different.  The bottomed-out feeling was gone.  I felt....normal!  A week and a half later I ran 7 miles on the beach without a break, strong, free, confident and surprised!  Even though I still need to get my time down - there is no denying my energy is entirely renewed as well as my mind set.  This has convinced me even more than before that the hormonal link is too big to be ignored!  

As women over 40 we need to bring our hormones to the table of discussion when we are not feeling ourselves.  Whether we are not sleeping well, not losing weight after sincerely trying everything or at a loss of energy.  

Don't ignore your hormones because your body isn't ignoring them.  In fact your body is giving you clues to it's desire and need to be replenished and balanced!

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