We spent almost 11 hours in our car driving straight home from North Carolina yesterday. I had a lot of time to think about my running plan for the next two days. Should I get a long run in?
I am happy with the two miles I snuck in on the treadmill at the hotel we stayed at on the way up to our North Carolina destination. I'm also happy that I got four miles in on a winding, rocky mountain road by our cabin. But for the next four days I didn't have a chance to run. We were busy opening presents, eating out, sight seeing and of course making cookies and eating them!
I'd like to think that the .2 mile staircase up and down to see the biggest water fall in the SouthEast, and the five story stair case and 3 hour walking tour at the Biltmore Estate, and the many trails in the woods going up and down hills that we walked on our vacation amount to something that will be valuable for me.
BUT TODAY- my first day home I hit the park trail with high hopes for a long run. I basically rolled out of bed got dressed, gathered my running gear and headed out. It wasn't until I was pulling into the park that I realized I had a pounding sinus headache lingering from the night before. My eyes had continuous pressure behind them that made me tempted to just keep them closed. But I had calculated that today was the day for a possible last 12 miles.
As I got out of my car I realized one important fail - I hadn't worn my typical running shorts with the convenient tiny pocket inside just the right size for my car key. (My legs are just too white to wear running shorts at this point in the winter so I'm all about leggings.) I had no where to put my key. Nothing. I got creative and slid my keyless key into the space between my arm band where the velcro loops back through the feed. It was snug but had no bottom. I figured if it slipped out surely I would feel it before it hit the ground.
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NEVER to be mistaken for a key holder...never, never, never! |
I ran a strong mile, feeling pretty good other than the continuous pressure behind my eyes. I hit one mile- reached over to my mile tracker to hit the "lap" to record my time and VOILA- my key was gone! I had felt NOTHING! Somewhere over the last mile it had slipped out. TERROR! The key clearly is marked with my car model and my car model is usually the ONLY ONE like it in the parking lot! TERROR!
I turned around and ran incredibly briskly backtracking my mile and scanning the side where I run. I then proceeded to interview everyone coming toward me if they had seen a keyless key. Of course this is really a feat as most people have headsets on so every encounter consisted of me asking and them saying "WHAT?" as they pulled their earbuds out and me repeating it - all this while still in running motion.
FINALLY - a lady says YES- she has seen it and placed in on the side of the trail. (Possibly not a bright idea) but at least its been seen. She says a way back- obviously it fell out early. I ask 4 more people on my way to this key and they all proceed to tell me it now is on a journey to the Park Ranger via two women walking. Now I am SPRINTING back as fast as I can. I see these women and I am trying so hard to catch up with them! This is TOTALLY RUINING MY RUN! I mean I AM running but not timing - not a consistent long distant run/walk- I know this sprint will kill my long distance!~
I reach the women - I am WINDED - I get my key - I thank them over and over and turn back around and RUN!
Now my run is exhausted, my legs are already done, aching and about to give out from a long sprint and I am stopping for the next two miles answering the repeated question of "Did you get your key?"
The neat thing is I got to actually speak to people I have been sharing a trail with for the last year. I especially was glad to speak to the "little old Asian man" who inspired me to shuffle more as I watched him do long distance runs at a consistent pace. In the beginning he would pass me - now months later I pass him. He has no idea he inspires me. But today I got to ask him about my key and he smiled and told me about the ladies. Trivial but cool for me personally.
So as I hit six miles I knew there was no long run for me. I am toying with the idea of maybe running to the church and back tomorrow trying for 10 miles. I've never done a straight run outside the park. This would be something new.
You just never know what a run will hold.