Anyone who knows me knows I am NOT a morning person.
It's not that I just love to stay up late and sleep in, but I truly have always, as long as I can remember struggled with going to sleep any earlier than 10 pm. I can remember being made to go to bed and laying there awake until about midnight. It's almost like an internal clock that is just set on that rhythm. No matter how early I get up and how strenuous the day's activity is and no matter how exhausted I actually am, I regroup around 10 pm with a second wind.
Of course, whether it's cause and effect or not, anything before 9 am is a struggle for me. I literally am in a fog mentally in the mornings that even the best cup of coffee or protein shake can not lift. I can function but don't ask me to use cognitive reasoning on any level. But anywhere after 10 pm ask me for a deadline project, write a chapter in a book, organize a closet, do a complicated algebra problem...(OK, I went to far on that one).....
Anyhow, after 10 pm I spring to life with excess productivity!
So to now declare myself as a morning runner is so ironic! But I am. Indeed I am.
No matter how tired I feel when the alarm eases me out of my dead to the world sleep, I get up. Not because I know my son has to be at school at a certain time, but because I know after I drop him off and I will get a good 2 to 4 and maybe 5 miles in. In fact, I think my son has never had a tardy because I know I am going running! Even days, when years before I started running, I might have said, "let's just take the day off" and turn the lights back off and make everyone in the house go back to bed, I start the morning routine.
Why? What is it about running that it has had the power to transcend the internal clock of 46 years? What is it about running that inspires me so much that I go against the cry of my own body to stay in my bed? You got me. I have no true idea.
But I did see this post on Facebook today, the place from which all mystic answers come, LOL! No, really, it did kind of fit the feeling of my morning compulsion to run.
The morning is jealous of your relationship with running.
The bed whispers,
“Don’t leave.
What do you seeing in running anyway?”
But somewhere in the back of your mind
is the thought of the perfect mile,
politely telling the bed to,
“Shut up”.
...Hate the morning less and love running more...
- NB
Are you a morning runner?