Saturday, February 23, 2013

Post Race must blog now.

Take one
Take Two

Yes, sometimes after you've been up since 4 am and ran 9.3 miles, self-portraits are difficult.

I thought I would do a sloppy, quick yet prompt blog on my race today, while I am still awake and before I get into a mindless relaxed state.

If you read my last installment, rest at ease, we found parking!  In fact it was so easy it scared us that our car might get towed.  The best part, it was FREE!  That's when I knew the god's of racing were smiling on us and yes that would be Jehovah, Jesus and the Holy Ghost in one!   (I'm tired so I'm going to be wise cracking through this entire writing. Sorry in advance.)

----"we" means Me and Lisa.

Right after the swift parking discovery there they were...a row of unused Port-a-potties!  If you run races you know what a blessed find it is to go into an UNUSED fresh one!   Then right to the start line, finding our estimated pace section.  Then very quickly we were off!!

The good news was the 15k was not jammed packed.  This gave us room to set our pace and run unencumbered.  We ran 3 miles, took a little breather, ran to 5 and then intermittently ran and walked.   We got caught in a walk/run cycle for several reasons.  One, we were talking so much, two we were giving ourselves lavish leeway and...ok there are only a couple reasons.

One interesting happening was we had decided to wear our water belts so we wouldn't need to go through any water stops.  We had found that they slowed us down last time and we wanted to take that out.  I was a little concerned because I don't usually wear my belt and didn't want to be hindered by it and I wanted to look cool and thought we might risk looking like novices.  But once again- it worked out!  The City of Tampa water system was tainted and was on a boil alert! So they sent out emails to tell us to bring our own water.  Therefore, many people were wearing belts even though Zephyrhills stepped in and provided pure water everywhere!  At least we looked cool and fit in!  The bad part about the boil alert was that Starbucks wasn't serving coffee.

Our gu-estimation for finishing time had been 2.5 hours.  We came in at exactly 2.  We were so pleased!  I can't tell you how good it feels when you complete a race.  Just a sense of accomplishment and pride in your effort.  We got out there and did it.

The race in general was a FABULOUS experience.  Gasparilla Distance Classic was very different from our Half at Disney.  Much more organized and pleasant.  Of course, running on Bayshore Boulevard is beautiful and a treat.  The crowds for the 15k were totally manageable.  The weather was perfect for the 15k because it was so early and once again, GOD (He always gets the credit!) kept a sweet hazy overcast to keep the sun off our backs!  SWEET!

When we were finished we stuck around to see some friends in the 5k.  THAT WAS AN EXPERIENCE in and of itself.  First, the 5k must have had 20,000 people!  There were four huge waves with a sea of runners in each.  It was a miracle we saw our friends.  Second, it was the first time being at the finish line watching all those runners cross the line.  There were so many amazing people and you knew they each had their own journey and story that led them to that finish moment.  Moms and sons running together cried and embraced. Women and men who obviously took all they had to cross wept. Teams of people running on behalf of a passed loved-one with pictures on their shirts of the person.  Most striking were the  pockets of Military and Vets who crossed the line together, some wounded with prothstetic legs, burned faces, and some with huge military backpacks.

We were very glad to have stayed to be a part of the finish line experience from the other side!

All together we were there for 6 hours!  Both of us were more than ready to get home!

AND lastly...

I had found a cute Nike Running shirt to wear and thought it so cute.  It's sometimes can be tricky running with a buddy.  You have to compromise throughout on the pace you will set.  Sometimes you are ready to bolt and she's not and then like clock-work she has gotten her second wind and has to push you to keep moving.  It's a give and take collaboration.  I guess that is half the fun!  SO when I saw this shirt I knew it was perfect for Lisa and I. 

However, I think maybe not everyone got it.  

And that is my Post Race Blog!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Pre-race Fodder

What are most racers talking and thinking about two days before the race?

Here are what my racing buddy and I are foddering on about.

1.  What we have been eating this week.  What we haven't eaten.  What we shouldn't eat.

2.  Where is the Expo?  We have spent some time trying to figure out if the Convention Center was the same as the Arena.  No it isn't.  Case solved.

3.  Where are we going to park for the Expo?  From the online map, the Convention Center Garage.  Case solved.  Unless, that is, it's packed from the several events going on at the same time there.  In which not solved.

4.  Where is the start and where should we park?  These two questions combined because it's envitable the latter would be asked.  Case still not solved on the latter.

5.  Let's meet up somewhere then drive together to the start so we can experience even more moments of nervous anticipation together.

6.  Where do we park.  Oh yeah, still not solved.

7.  For goodness sake, let's just get to the running part!

And that folk's is pre-race fodder.

The use of cows in this picture is only in correlation to the "fodder" reference and
 NOT to the runners referred to in this blog, thank you very much!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


I have often heard, especially before I started running, that running ruins your joints.  I think that this entire rumor was perpetuated by non-runners if you know what I mean!

This morning I "ran" across this informative video on AOL that disposes the question, "Does running cause arthritis?"  If you ever had that concern click right here to get your answer.

I think it's really important to note that every runner needs to be wise.  You need the right equipment, form, nutrition and training schedule for your running to benefit your body to the upmost.

Our bodies were created by an awesome Creator.  We are truly wonderfully and fearfully made!  Yet you will never know that until you utilize every muscle and internal organs to their maximum.  It's like driving a BMW or fine tuned sport's car.  If you only drive it at 35 miles per hour on a straight road, you will never know how amazingly precision-engineered-for-performance the car is.  But if you take a few sharp corners, accelerate to 60 in a few seconds, hit the highway at 85 and break on a dime - you come to see what a fine vehicle you are driving.  Then going back to just any run of the mill car is just not as satisfying.

This is running.  This is working out.  This is living active and pushing your body to do things you don't normally do in your mundane weekly routine.  You discover how finely engineered your body is. Your heart, brain, muscles, ligaments, lungs, and your breath!  AMAZING!  Pushing your body is what you were made for!

So get up, get out and and experience the amazing fine tuning of your body!  It can take it!  It will thrive on it!
