Saturday, January 7, 2012

HALF MARATHON - the end of the day...

So it is 6:48 pm as I post this blog.  I have been "up" since 3 am after only intermittent sleep for 5 hours.  I did grab- more like fell into - a nap on the car ride home for an hour and got 20 minutes collapsed on my bed at home.  I'm just setting up the fact that my brain is in a fog as well as my body, so there is no way I can lay out a good blog on the day before and the day of the race until Monday.

"Why Monday?" I can hear all five of you asking.  Because "life" stops for no one, not even half marathoners!   I have gotten home to unpack, change the much needed-to- be sheets on the bed, done a load of laundry and now am preparing for a packed Sunday of ministry from start to finish tomorrow.

All I have in me in energy, focus and time is one picture!  So take it all in and I'll get back to you on Monday with my full report, in detail, blood, guts and glory!

Me and my awesome run partner Lisa Johnson!

Oh, and this....

That's right!

Monday, January 2, 2012


It's RACE WEEK!  So many things happen during this week!

-You start looking at the weather report for race day hourly.

-You start worry about how your family is going to get to the spectator sight correctly.

-You really start focusing on fuel intake and rest and guarding your body.

-You read all information about the race:  schedule, packet pick-up, what to bring, the course map, the procedures.

-You get your game plan.  What will be our focus?  Speed, just finishing, finishing strong, enjoying it, making up time, where you can buy time, what you'll do when you're freaking out, how to motivate yourself, how to conserve whatever energy you can for a strong finish across the line, and smiling at the designated photo areas.

You start evaluating your progress and getting totally sentimental over your achievement!

Monday of Race Week,  I got out in windy cool sunny day and ran up and down the overpasses outside my neighborhood - just a 2.1 mile total. The run went by SO FAST and I never slowed down even with the wind against my face on the inclines.  As I made it back to my house finishing the 2.1 I was amazed how short the run felt and how I wanted to keep running.  I thought back 8 months ago when those inclines were so hard that I thought I might have a heart attack before I reached the first peak!  Now my heart and energy wasn't even fazed by it.  I almost was choked up!

It's at this point when you really take in what you have accomplished.  Where you started, how hard it was, how daunting the goal mileage seemed.  Every new extended distance seemed like the end of your strength and ability. You recall the mid training line in the sand when you lost your breath thinking there was no way you would be ready for 13.1 miles and maybe you made a big mistake telling people you were going to do this.

But now look at you.  You have actually done it.  You made or found a training plan, starting at zero ability and faithfully persistently did what was required....and IT WORKED!

This is where I am on this first day of RACE WEEK!  And I suppose this is exactly why I am doing this.  There is really NO OTHER GREATER FEELING than that of this accomplishment.

 It really is a boost for a woman over forty- in the second half of her life.

When you are watching major changes happen in your body that look like decline.  When you start assessing your life and how satisfied and fulfilled you are with everything around you. Then something comes along that brings increase, satisfaction and a sense of well being.
 Why isn't EVERYONE doing this?