Saturday, January 7, 2012

HALF MARATHON - the end of the day...

So it is 6:48 pm as I post this blog.  I have been "up" since 3 am after only intermittent sleep for 5 hours.  I did grab- more like fell into - a nap on the car ride home for an hour and got 20 minutes collapsed on my bed at home.  I'm just setting up the fact that my brain is in a fog as well as my body, so there is no way I can lay out a good blog on the day before and the day of the race until Monday.

"Why Monday?" I can hear all five of you asking.  Because "life" stops for no one, not even half marathoners!   I have gotten home to unpack, change the much needed-to- be sheets on the bed, done a load of laundry and now am preparing for a packed Sunday of ministry from start to finish tomorrow.

All I have in me in energy, focus and time is one picture!  So take it all in and I'll get back to you on Monday with my full report, in detail, blood, guts and glory!

Me and my awesome run partner Lisa Johnson!

Oh, and this....

That's right!

1 comment:

  1. Aw man!!! I have been waiting to read the whole story!!!
